Leap Year Correction -------------------- We are in a leap year and and your weather station clock does not keep track of leap years. It will read 3-1 on 2-29. You should not try to change the date on the weather station. There are two possible scenarios depending on whether or not your computer does keep track of leap years. On or after 2-29 you must determine if your computer has the correct date. Scenario One: My computer has the correct date. ------------------------------------------------ You can download on or after 2-29 and the program will correct the data for you. The program will tell you when it is ok to correct the date on the weather station. Until that time, the Weatherlink will keep the data straight. Scenario Two: My computer does not have the correct date. ---------------------------------------------------------- On 2-29 you should not download any data. Your computer and your weather station will both say 3-1. Anytime after 2-29 you should first set the correct date on your PC. Go into your Weatherlink program and download your data. Answer 'Yes' to the 'Should I correct your data for leap year?' prompt. Set the correct date on your weather station using the program. Clear your archive memory. The software will automatically correct the data for you. Note, this message window will no longer appear after March 1.