Name of StationR1-1448
City (from NOAA Setup)Sardine Summit
State (from NOAA Setup)Utah
Elevation (from NOAA Setup) 5900 ft
Latitude (from NOAA Setup) 41° 33' 00" N
Longitude (from NOAA Setup)111° 57' 12" W
Date on the PC03/14/25
Time on the PC 2:26p
UTC Time 8:26p
UTC Date03/14/25
Date on the Station03/14/25
Time on the Station 2:26p
Sunrise Time 7:41a
Sunset Time 7:34p
Current Weather Forecast * Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation possible within 12 hours, possibly heavy at times. Windy.
Current Moon PhaseFull Moon
EMC Unit%
Air Density0.0801
Air Density Unitlb/cu.ft
Inside Temperature75.8
High Inside Temperature76.1
Time of High Inside Temperature12:18p
Low Inside Temperature74.9
Time of Low Inside Temperature 5:39a
High Monthly Inside Temperature85.9
Low Monthly Inside Temperature62.9
High Yearly Inside Temperature85.9
Low Yearly Inside Temperature57.9
Outside Temperature31.0
High Outside Temperature31.3
Low Outside Temperature21.8
Time of High Outside Temperature 2:00p
Time of Low Outside Temperature 8:08a
High monthly Outside Temperature53.1
Low monthly Outside Temperature18.4
High yearly Outside Temperature55.9
Low yearly Outside Temperature1.4
Inside Humidity25
High Inside Humidity32
High Inside Humidity Time12:34a
Low Inside Humidity23
Low Inside Humidity Time12:20p
High Monthly Inside Humidity51
Low Monthly Inside Humidity13
High Yearly Inside Humidity51
Low Yearly Inside Humidity10
Outside Humidity77
Low Humidity77
Time of Low Humidity 2:03p
High Humidity94
Time of High Humidity12:00a
High Monthly Humidity96
Low Monthly Humidity27
High Yearly Humidity96
Low Yearly Humidity23
3-Hour Barometer Trend*Steady
Low Barometer29.474
High Barometer29.799
Time of High Barometer 1:04p
Low Monthly Barometer29.328
High Monthly Barometer30.528
Time of Low Barometer12:02a
Low Yearly Barometer29.328
High Yearly Barometer30.988
Wind Speed11.0
10 Minute Average Wind Speed*8.0
High Wind Speed23.0
Time of High Wind Speed 2:21a
High Monthly Wind Speed39.0
High Yearly Wind Speed47.0
Wind Direction In Degrees163
Wind Direction Sector (16-point compass)SSE
Wind Chill23.6
Low Wind Chill15.0
Time of Low Wind Chill12:26a
Low Monthly Wind Chill11.0
Low Yearly Wind Chill-13.0
One-minute Wind Speed Average**13.7
Two-minute Wind Speed Average12.5
Five-minute Wind Speed Average11.4
10-minute Wind Speed Average8.9
One-minute Wind High Speed*21.0
Two-minute Wind High Speed21.0
Five-minute Wind High Speed21.0
10-minute Wind High Speed21.0
Yearly Rain8.19
Daily Rain0.11
Monthly Rain1.81
Storm Rain0.38
Rain Rate0.00
High Rain Rate0.08
Time of High Rain Rate11:13a
High Rain Rate Hour0.00
High Monthly Rain Rate0.48
High Yearly Rain Rate72.00
Outside Dew Point24.6
High Dew Point26.0
Time of High Dew Point 1:47a
Low Dew Point19.0
Time of Low Dew Point 7:57a
High Monthly Dew Point36.0
Low Monthly Dew Point11.0
High Yearly Dew Point36.0
Low Yearly Dew Point-17.0
Inside Dew Point37.5
Outside Heat Index30.6
High Heat Index31.0
Time of High Heat Index 1:50p
High Monthly Heat Index51.0
High Yearly Heat Index54.0
Inside Heat Index73.8
THW Index23.2
Temperature Units°F
Hum Units%
Wind Unitsmph
Bar Unitsin
Rain Unitsin
Rain Rate Unitsin/hr