Utility Template Files These templates are useful tools for learning how to use the WeatherLink software to upload data, for seeing how the image options work, and as a example for using the weather tags and images in your own templates. The template "Tag-List.htx" produces an HTML file that lists all the weather parameters available for template substitution. The files "CurrentImages.htm" and "CurrentImages-Refresh.htm" will display all of the current image files found in the same directory as the htm file. There are no weather tags in these files, so they only need to be uploaded to a web site once. CurrentImages-Refresh.htm contains code to have the browser auromatically refresh the page every 30 seconds. You can change how often in seconds to refresh the page by editing the line . You can test the effect of uploading at different intervals or with different settings in different profiles by setting the Current Image Directory to the same value in different profiles. The file "HistoricalImages.htm" will display all of the historical graph files in the same directory. It does not contain weather tags and only needs to be uploaded once. The background color on the image pages is not the same as any of the preset image background colors. This allows you to see the effect of the Transparent setting.