CP210x Windows Driver v4.38 Release Notes Copyright (C) 2006 Silicon Laboratories, Inc. This release contains the following components: * slabunin.exe * slabunin2k.exe * slabunin.u98 * slabunin.u2k * slabbus.cat * slabser.cat * slabbus.inf * slabvxd.inf * slabw2k.inf * slabwdm.inf * slabbus.sys * slabcm95.sys * slabcmnt.sys * slabcr.sys * slabser.sys * slabwh95.sys * slabwhnt.sys * slabcomm.vxd * slabvcd.vxd * slabvcr.vxd * Readme.txt (this file) Driver Installation ------------------- See Kit User's Guide for installation instructions. CP210x Windows Driver Revision History -------------------------------------- version 4.38 New features/Enhancements ------------------------- Extended suprise removal support added to fix COM port hang. WHQL Certified for Windows XP and 2000. Version 4.28a New features/Enhancements ------------------------- WHQL Certified for Windows XP and 2000. Version 4.28 New features/Enhancements ------------------------- Includes Preinstaller executable and with added preinstaller support in uninstaller executable and ini files. Corrections ----------- Fixed driver lock condition caused by certain invalid port settings. Fixed Windows 98 PreInstaller issue. Version 4.20 New features/Enhancements ------------------------- Changed driver binary file names from cyg_* to slab*. Also changed default inf file strings to SLAB and Silicon Laboratories. This installation includes catalog files for Windows 2000/XP Windows Hardware Quality Lab (WHQL) Certification. Corrections ----------- Modified behavior of SERIAL_EV_TXEMPTY event notification. Applications will no longer miss TXEMPTY events if a write is pending during the IOCTL_SERIAL_WAIT_ON_MASK control request. Version 4.16 New features/Enhancements ------------------------- Corrections ----------- Changed behavior for IOCTL_SERIAL_LSRMST_INSERT for correct modem event insertion. Version 4.09 Initial Release