UDOT/Region One Weather

NOAA Statisical Report Information

The menu on the left contains links to monthly and yearly NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) "weather watcher" reports based on data from the UDOT/Region One (R1WS01) weather station. This weather station has been in operation since August 01, 2005.

Reports have been generated for the current month, the current year, past months over the last year, and past years back to 08/2005*.  During the first of each month a new monthly report will be created for the previous month.  Current monthly data can be viewed with the Current Month link, while the report bearing the current month's name will reflect data for that month one year ago (i.e. if it's currently August, then the link labeled August will open a NOAA report reflecting data from the previous August, not the current month.)

The R1WS01 Home link is currently configured to open the UDOT/Region One Current Conditions page, and the NOAA Introduction link will display this page.

Excluding periods of extended power outage, the Radio Shack Wireless Weather Station operating at the Region One Headquarters of the Utah Department of Transportation records weather conditions in the North Wall Avenue area of Ogden, Utah, 24-hours per day, 7-days per week.  This weather station has been in operation since August 01, 2005.

( * = Incomplete data period )


(This page was last modified: Wednesday, August 17, 2005)