Delay on Release Use this function in conjunction with the Alarm output and the Vantage Pro alarms to determine how long to extend the activitation time once it is triggered. The default value is 10 minutes. Delay on Reactivation Use this function in conjunction with the Alarm output and the Vantage Pro alarms to determine how long to delay the reactivation of an alarm once it is inactive. The default value is zero. Pulse Width This function determines the pulse width for any pulse outputs. These outputs include the Rain, ET and Alarm outputs. The default value is 2000 milliseconds (2 seconds). In the case of consecutive pulses, it also determines the time between pulses. In most cases, there is no need to alter this value unless directed to do so by the Irrigation controller manufacturer. Alarm Activation This command determines whether a pulse for alarm activation is continuous throughout the activation time or a one time pulse. The default is continuous activation and is appropriate for most Irrigation controllers. Pulsed relay oriented devices will require the one-time pulse. Circuit Behavior This command determines whether the circuit stays open or closed when no alarms are active. The opposite behavior occurs for an active alarm condition. Default is normally closed. Choose normally open if you want the irrigation controller to inhibit the system unless an alarm condition occurs. Choose normally closed if you want the irrigation controller to run its normal cycle unless an alarm condition occurs (This is the most typical operation.). Default Press this button to restore the data entries to their default values. You must still hit OK to save the settings in the data logger.